All India Conference 15-16 August 2021

Mario Aguilar
Wednesday 11 August 2021

The “All India Conference” organised by the CSRP and Scholars at the Peripheries will take place on Sunday 15 August (India Independence Day) and Monday 16 August. If you wanted to attend online through Teams, please let me know at [email protected]

All India Conference Program (UK time)

Sunday 15 August 2021


Session 1: 11am-2pm Opening remarks and Constitutional Issues


“The independence of India and the Diversities within Indian independence”

Professor M.I. Aguilar (University of St. Andrews)


“Freedom of Speech and Expression: A realm of Passive Existence, Women”

Shruti Dixit (University of Delhi)


“Determined to Walk the Path of Dialogue:

The Holy See’s Involvement in Hindu-Christian Relations”

Dr Melanie Barbato (University of Münster)



Monday 16 August 2021


Session 2: 11am-1pm Gandhi, Inequalities and State Imagination


“Gandhi and anti-political politics”

Dr Ramin Jahanbegloo (Jindal Global University, India)


“Hindu Identity in 2021: The virtue of Chaos”

Kabir Babu (University of St. Andrews)


“Narrating stories of history and identity through literature:

A discussion of contemporary Naga literature in English”

Dr Bhumika R. (Shiv Nadar University, Chenna, India)


“Kullu dev sanskriti:

Understanding religious narratives vis-a-vis the village deities of Kullu, India”

Ishita Mahajan (University of Edinburgh)



Session 3: 2-4pm Contemporary Issues


“Considering socio-political factors in Naga Pneumatological thinking”

Elilo Ezung (University of Edinburgh)


“Land and trauma:

A socio-political narrative of tribal Christians in the borderland state of Manipur”

Elias Rathiulung (University of Edinburgh)



‘Resisting Whiteness in Theological Education with the Devadasis of the South Indian Village’

Dr Eve Rebecca Parker (University of Durham)


Conference Concluding Remarks: Mario I. Aguilar (University of St. Andrews)

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